What are the side effects of salt during pregnancy?
side effects of salt during pregnancy
One of the most important issues that mothers should pay attention to during pregnancy is salt intake. Salt is very important during pregnancy, and therefore, mothers should focus their attention on this issue. In this article, we explained the effects of salt during pregnancy, and approximately 6 grams of salt per day seems sufficient for pregnant women that less or more use of this amount can cause damage to the mother and fetus.
Pregnancy is one of the most important times in any mother’s life, and it should give great importance to her diet. One of the most important things mothers do during pregnancy is to control their salt intake. Salt during pregnancy can have a great impact on fetal health. That’s why we decided to provide you with information about this issue in this article so that you can protect your child from any disease related to overdose.
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Is it forbidden to consume salt during pregnancy?
When we talk about managing salt intake during pregnancy, some mothers may stop taking it altogether and not use salt at all during this period. However, this method also causes problems for their health.
Although excessive use of salt is problematic for maternal and fetal health, a good amount of salt should be in the body. This is also because the function of most enzymes, the movement of proteins, the production of hormones, and many vital signs depend on the presence of salt. That’s why you shouldn’t miss salt intake, and using as much as it can help the mother and the fetus a lot.
What is the desire to eat salt, and what treatment does it have?
There’s no one in this world who has a big container of Chips، Popcorn، Fries Don’t like it. Usually, these salt foods cannot be put aside. Although most people in the world use restrictive diets, I still see that they don’t have the desire for salt.
People believe that craving food is a sign that their bodies are deficient, but they don’t always. Most cravings for unhealthy foods are due to a lack of nutrients in the body, which is a very common salt deficiency and usually results in factors such as fatigue and Stress.
The main causes and causes of salt cravings
The cravings for salt and salty food have the following causes:
1. Cravings for salt are a sign of stress
Craving salt may be the result of stress. When people’s stress levels rise, they tend to have a lot of salt. Foods that people are eager to eat in these situations contain high fat, sugar, and salt, which are also called comfortable foods that can reduce a person’s overall health. According to studies, there is a special relationship between chronic stress levels, food desire, and high body mass.
Another study shows the relationship between stress and high levels of ghrelin hormone, which increases hunger, and the results of this study tell people that this may be a problem, your desire for these foods as well Weight gain to increase.
2. The craving for salt is a sign of a lack of sleep
People who don’t get enough sleep need a lot of harmful food, like salt foods. People who have disturbed sleep cannot resist unhealthy foods and as a result, will face being overweight. Sleep disorders, stress, and busy schedules during the day often cause fatigue in people.
3. Impatience is the reason for the cravings for salt
Eating salty foods can be the result of impatience, which is also due to stress, and in fact, this disorder refers to an emotional behavior. if we want to recognize that the desire for salt is due to impatience or hunger, it’s better to refer to our behavior.
Real hunger occurs when your body only needs food, but if you see that you’ve just eaten but you’re interested in harmful and salty foods, you must be overcome with impatience and clarity.
4. Excessive sweating from the reasons for craving salt
Sweat contains salt, and people who sweat a lot have little sodium. Most people face mild sweating that they shouldn’t worry about. Sodium levels are usually changing day by day in people’s bodies, and you know that after heavy workouts and even only regular exercise, you should drink enough water to replace sweat.
The endurance of heroes and people who engage and exercise in very hot environments makes them need to consume more salt, and when a person loses a lot of sodium, it then starts to increase salt intake.
In ten minutes of exercising, you burn 15 grams of salt, which is a lot, and people who have heavy and long-lasting exercise should drink sports drinks or drinks containing high electrolytes, thereby making it possible to exercise a lot of time, which contains sodium and other electrolytes and can compensate for your lost sweat.
5. Craving for salt is a sign of premenstrual syndrome
Women’s premenstrual syndrome may cause many emotional changes throughout their lives, usually in Menstruation. This becomes more severe, which is called early menstrual syndrome disorder. High desire for food, such as salt foods, is one of the most common symptoms of this era, and these foods depend on changes in one’s hormones.
Studies have shown that 500 mcg of calcium and 40 mg of vitamin B6 decrease during this period. Calcium and Vitamins b6: you can take pills for this deficiency.
Studies show that women who use acupuncture and herbal medicines show 50% fewer symptoms of early menstrual syndrome before menstruation.
Tablets Contraception It also increases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and according to studies, these pills can have side effects that you should notify your doctor about.
6. Cravings for salt is a sign of Addison’s disease
When the adrenal glands in the body do not produce enough hormones, it increases your desire for salt. Addison’s disease or a lack of adrenal glands with hormone manufacturers makes a person difficult, and these hormones control the body’s reaction to stress and regulate blood pressure, resulting in Addison’s disease. Blood pressure greatly reduces your desire for salt at once.
Other tips and solutions to reduce the desire for salt
In addition to what has been said, observing the following points in the damp health sector will help you control and relieve the cravings for salt and salty food.
1. Change your eating habit
If you’ve grown up in a family that always salts your food before anything and then tastes it, it makes you have a habit of sprinkling salt on your food to the point that low-salt foods seem completely tasteless to you, and the best way is to first of all be aware of your destructive habit and first of all. taste the food first and use salt after.
Reduce the salt from what’s in the recipe to get used to low-salt foods and instead use other spices like Ginger And peppers and what we mentioned above.
2. Test your need for minerals
Our bodies go to Zinc It needs sodium, magnesium, calcium, and other minerals to provide enough strength throughout the day and regularize our hormones, so you need to consume enough minerals to keep your desire for salt open. You should use high-quality multivitamins and increase the use of vegetables and fruits as well.
3. Drink enough water to prevent dryness
Sodium can be supplied with enough water in the body. When your body is dry, it needs more salt and you should try to drink enough water. Be sure to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Check your adrenal glands so you don’t have any problems
The desire to eat salt can be the result of improper functioning of the adrenal glands, so it’s best to check this out so that you can prevent it in case of problems and reduce your desire for it spontaneously.
5. Information on the package Food Read on
First of all, you need to consider the information on the food package, find out how much salt is used, and never use high-salt packaged foods.
Finally, Pay more attention to the foods you eat and pay attention to food choices, such as increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide enough water for your body, as well as trying to use unsalted nuts and odorless sunflower seeds so that your body gets used to its low use and also doesn’t indulge in eating any food.
Salt rash during pregnancy
While some mothers stop consuming salt altogether, some of them find it to be a vial, causing them to consume a lot of salt during pregnancy. These people should know that salt is very important during pregnancy and should be properly managed and controlled.
Note that salt intake doesn’t just mean using raw salt in spray salt. Most of the things we eat during the day are accompanied by salt, and even the bread we consume in the bakery is cooked with salt. However, fast food foods have a higher amount of salt, so pregnant mothers should avoid consuming too much.
Requirements for salt use during pregnancy
As we have explained before, pregnant mothers should not neglect salt intake at all and keep it balanced. In addition to the vital signs of the body depending on the presence of salt, there are other benefits during pregnancy to using salt that you should be aware of Buy Himalayan salt powder Helps you get the best and highest quality salt during pregnancy and transfer it to your fetus so that the kidneys grow well.
Studies show that the amount of sodium transferred by the mother entering the fetus has a huge effect on the formation of the structure of her kidneys. For this reason, if the mother greatly reduces or discontinues salt intake, it causes the kidneys of the fetus to not form well and cause many problems. However, if mothers consume large amounts of salt during pregnancy, it causes problems such as blood pressure in a child’s adulthood.
In order for mothers to properly control their salt intake, they need to use nutrients. Also, controlling body fluids has a great impact on the amount of sodium received. Of course, don’t forget that excessive use of salt during pregnancy can cause a lot of problems for the baby.
Permissible salt intake during pregnancy
The amount consumed during pregnancy should be at least 6 grams, which is equivalent to one teaspoon of salt throughout the day. Of course, don’t forget that this amount of salt also includes salt in the food. Remember that processed and prepared foods have more salt. Buy original blue salt. One of the best ways to deliver enough salt is during pregnancy.
The disadvantages of excessive use of salt during pregnancy
As we have said before, excessive use of salt during pregnancy can cause a lot of damage to the mother and the fetus, which can last for the child until adulthood. Below, you will read some of the most important harms that excessive consumption of salt does to the fetus.
Flatulence due to high salt intake
The most basic problem caused by excessive consumption of salt in the mother is flatulence, which can also be passed on to the fetus. That’s why we need to properly control the amount of salt during pregnancy to prevent these basic and simple problems.
Mother’s body swells due to high salt intake
When the pregnant woman consumes too much salt, too much sodium enters her blood, which can cause water to accumulate in the body. When there is a lot of water left in the mother’s body, it causes her whole body to swell greatly. Of course, this is quite common in most pregnant women with high salt intake.
Increased blood pressure due to high salt intake
In addition to body swelling, cutting off salt in the mother’s body increases blood pressure. When water and bodily fluids are locked up, a lot of pressure is put on the blood vessels and arteries. By doing so, the body is forced to do a lot for every activity it does, and as a result, blood pressure will rise.
Stroke and gastric cancer due to high salt intake
Perhaps some mothers do not understand the management of salt consumed during pregnancy properly, which can cause serious and important problems for them. While this is not the case at all, and with excessive consumption of salt at this time, it may face very serious problems such as myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, stomach cancer, and more…
Osteoporosis due to high salt intake
When the mother consumes too much salt during pregnancy, relatively large sodium enters the blood and as a result, calcium will be excreted through urine. Increased salt during pregnancy will weaken the bones gradually, resulting in osteoporosis.
Reduced growth due to high salt intake
As we said before, consuming as much salt as possible can cause kidneys to form in the fetus. However, if the use of this substance exceeds the permissible limits, the embryo’s developmental operations will slow down. It is also possible that the fetus does not grow much in adulthood. Some people say that reducing talent is one of the disadvantages of excessive use of salt.
Best sources for salt substitutes
In order to protect yourself and the fetus from salt-related diseases during this period, it is advisable to look for other ways. Find salt substitute for blood pressure. It makes it more important for you to control your health in addition to helping your baby grow and develop.
You can use a lot of ingredients instead of salt and use them in your food. Among the best alternatives available instead of salt are garlic, onion powder, black pepper, oregano, cumin, anise, ginger and turmeric. These ingredients help you to have perfectly healthy and useful food while also controlling your blood pressure. Also, blue and pink salt are the best alternatives to white salt during pregnancy.
Q: Why do pregnant women need salt in their diet?
A: Salt is an essential mineral that helps regulate the fluid levels, temperature and pH levels of the body. Salt also contains iodine, which is important for the baby’s brain and nervous system development. Pregnant women need salt to keep their body and their baby’s body in balance.
Q: How much salt should pregnant women consume per day?
A: The recommended daily intake of salt for pregnant women is the same as for non-pregnant adults: up to 6 grams of salt, or less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium. This is equivalent to about a teaspoon of salt. However, most people consume more than this amount, as salt is added to many processed and packaged foods.