Nishabori silver turquoise ring for women, Saba design

Original price was: €89.9.Current price is: €59.0.

Women’s multi-stone silver ring with melody design

Original price was: €99.9.Current price is: €64.0.

Women’s silver Nishaburi turquoise ring with Chika design

Original price was: €105.9.Current price is: €69.0.

Nishaburi silver turquoise ring for women with star design

Original price was: €109.7.Current price is: €69.0.

Women’s multi-stone angel design silver ring

Original price was: €107.1.Current price is: €69.0.

Women’s turquoise Nishaburi silver ring with coral design

Original price was: €107.9.Current price is: €69.0.

Nishaburi silver turquoise ring for women with water fairy design

Original price was: €104.9.Current price is: €69.0.

Silver Nishaburi turquoise ring for women, Samey design

Original price was: €105.8.Current price is: €69.0.

Women’s multi-stone silver ring, Sepideh design

Original price was: €109.9.Current price is: €69.0.

Women’s multi-stone silver ring with lasso design

Original price was: €108.2.Current price is: €69.0.

Silver Nishaburi turquoise ring for women, Soheila design

Original price was: €116.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Women’s Nishaburi silver turquoise ring with Hanana design

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Women’s Nishaburi silver turquoise ring with light design

Original price was: €110.1.Current price is: €79.0.

Women’s silver Nishaburi turquoise ring with special design

Original price was: €117.1.Current price is: €79.0.

Sharaf Al-Shams silver ring for women, moon-friendly design + engraving

Original price was: €100.0.Current price is: €79.0.

Sharaf Al Shams silver women’s ring with Shahrabano design + engraving

Original price was: €100.0.Current price is: €79.0.

Sharaf Al Shams silver ring for women, fresh design + engraving

Original price was: €100.0.Current price is: €79.0.

Men’s Silver Ring with Real Nishaburi Turquoise

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Authentic Nishaburi Turquoise Men’s Silver Ring

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Genuine Nishaburi Turquoise Silver Ring for Men

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Men’s Sterling Silver Ring Featuring Mined Turquoise

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Elegant Men’s Silver Ring with Real Turquoise Stone

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Handcrafted Men’s Silver Ring with Nishaburi Turquoise

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Exclusive Nishaburi Turquoise Men’s Silver Band

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Luxury Nishaburi Turquoise Silver Ring for Gentlemen

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

Designer Men’s Silver Ring with Nishaburi Feroza

Original price was: €118.3.Current price is: €79.0.

A Persian ring is a beautiful and unique accessory that reflects the rich and diverse culture of Iran. Persian rings are handcrafted with various materials, such as gold, silver, copper, brass, or bronze, and often feature gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Persian rings also have different styles and designs, such as floral, geometric, calligraphic, or animal motifs. A Persian ring is a perfect way to express your personality and taste and show your appreciation for Persian art and heritage.

Type of Iranian ring

An Iranian ring is a stunning and elegant accessory that showcases the craftsmanship and creativity of Iranian artists. Iranian rings are made with different metals, such as gold, silver, copper, brass, or bronze, and often have gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Iranian rings also have various styles and designs, such as floral, geometric, calligraphic, or animal motifs. An Iranian ring is a great way to add some charm and sophistication to your look, as well as to support Iranian art and culture:

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Turquoise Rings:

A Persian turquoise ring is a beautiful accessory that showcases the splendor and quality of the Persian turquoise. Persian turquoise is a blue-green gemstone mined and used in Persian jewelry for millennia. Persian turquoise is known for its purity, color, and durability, and is considered a symbol of luck, protection, and wisdom.

Islamic Rings:

Persian Islamic rings are a spiritual and respectful accessory that expresses the faith and devotion of the Persian culture. Persian Islamic rings are made with different metals, such as gold, silver, copper, brass, or bronze, and often feature gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Muslim rings:

Muslim rings are rings that are worn by Muslims, who are the followers of Islam, a monotheistic religion that worships Allah as the only God. Muslim rings can have various purposes, meanings, and benefits, depending on the type, material, design, and engraving of the ring. 

A Persian engagement ring is a romantic and meaningful accessory that expresses your love and commitment to your partner. Persian engagement rings are made with different metals, such as gold, silver, copper, brass, or bronze, and often have gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Persian Men’s Rings:

Persian men’s rings are bold and masculine, often featuring intricate engravings, precious gemstones, or symbols of power and strength. These rings are worn as a symbol of status, tradition, and personal style.

Persian Women’s Rings:

Persian women’s rings are as diverse as the women who wear them, ranging from delicate and elegant pieces to bold and statement-making designs. These rings often feature intricate floral motifs, delicate gemstones, or symbolic designs that reflect the wearer’s personality and style.

Aqeeq ring:

This is a ring that features an agate stone, which is a type of quartz that comes in various colors. Aqeeq is believed to have many benefits, such as protection, healing, and blessings. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wore a ring of silver with aqeeq on it, and recommended it to his followers.

Dur al Najaf ring:

This is a ring that features a quartz stone that is found near the shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf, Iraq. It is considered very sacred and rare, and is said to have miraculous properties, such as curing diseases, granting wishes, and increasing faith.

Yaqoot ring:

This is a ring that features a ruby stone, which is a red corundum that is one of the most precious gems. Yaqoot is said to have many benefits, such as boosting courage, strength, and dignity. It is also associated with Imam Hussain, who wore a ring of gold with yaqoot on it

Hadid Theen ring:

This is a ring that features a hematite stone, which is a black magnetic iron oxide. Hadid Theen is said to have many benefits, such as protecting from evil eye, envy, and magic. It is also associated with Imam Ali, who wore a ring of iron with hadid theen on it.

Durre Najaf ring:

This is a ring that features a pearl, which is a white organic material that is produced by mollusks. Durre Najaf is said to have many benefits, such as purifying the heart, mind, and soul. It is also associated with Imam Ali, who wore a ring of gold with durre najaf on it.

Zamarrud ring:

This is a ring that features an emerald stone, which is a green beryl that is one of the most valuable gems. Zamarrud is said to have many benefits, such as increasing knowledge, intelligence, and eloquence. It is also associated with Imam Ali, who wore a ring of gold with zamarrud on it.

Marjan (coral) ring:

This is a ring that features a coral stone, which is a red organic material that marine animals form. Marjan ring is said to have many benefits, such as enhancing beauty, health, and wealth. It is also associated with Imam Ali, who wore a ring of gold with marjan on it.

Badakhshan ring:

This is a ring that features a lapis lazuli stone, which is a blue metamorphic rock that contains gold flecks. Badakhshan ring is said to have many benefits, such as improving vision, memory, and spirituality. It is also associated with Imam Ali, who wore a ring of gold with Badakhshan on it.

Zulfiqar Ring:

Zulfiqar is the sword’s name that belonged to Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, and the first Imam of Shia Islam. Zulfiqar ring is a symbol of courage, justice, and faith and is revered by Muslims worldwide.

Imam Ali ring:

Imam Ali is the name of the fourth caliph and the first Imam of Shia Islam. Imam Ali is considered to be the successor of Prophet Muhammad and the leader of the faithful. Imam Ali ring is known for his wisdom, bravery, generosity, and piety and is loved by Muslims worldwide.

Hazrat Ali ring:

Hazrat Ali is another name for Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad and the first Imam of Shia Islam. Hazrat Ali is a title of respect and honor, meaning “the noble one” or “the master”. Hazrat Ali is a role model and a guide for Muslims worldwide. A Hazrat Ali ring is a ring that features the name of Hazrat Ali, usually in Arabic or Persian script.

Ya Ali ring:

Ya Ali is a phrase that means “O Ali” or “Help me, Ali” in Arabic. Ya Ali ring is a supplication and a slogan used by Shia Muslims, especially in times of difficulty, distress, or danger. Ya Ali is a way of seeking the help and the intercession of Imam Ali, who is the helper and the protector of the believers.

Shia ring:

This ring is worn by Shia Muslims, who are the followers of Imam Ali and his descendants, the Imams. Shia ring usually has the name of Imam Ali or one of the Imams engraved on it, along with other religious phrases or symbols. Shia rings can also have a gemstone, such as turquoise, agate, or ruby, which are said to have spiritual and physical benefits. 

Persian silver ring

A Persian silver ring is a stylish and versatile accessory that complements any outfit and occasion. Persian silver rings are handcrafted with high-quality silver and often feature gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Persian silver rings also have diverse styles and designs, such as floral, geometric, calligraphic, or animal motifs. A Persian silver ring is a fabulous way to accessorize your look with a shiny and elegant metal, as well as to enjoy Persian art and culture.

Persian gold ring

A Persian gold ring is a luxurious and exquisite accessory that reflects the wealth and prestige of the Persian culture. Persian gold rings are handcrafted with high-quality gold and often feature gemstones, such as turquoise, agate, ruby, or emerald.

Persian gold rings also have diverse styles and designs, such as floral, geometric, calligraphic, or animal motifs. A Persian gold ring is a splendid way to adorn your hand with shiny and elegant metal, as well as to enjoy Persian art and culture.
