Women’s silver Nishaburi turquoise bracelet

Original price was: €163.7.Current price is: €139.0.

Approximate weight of the pedal (without stone)

10 grams







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Summary of turquoise stone specifications

Iranians called this stone “Pirozeh” which means victory, but the Arabs did not have “P” so they Arabicized this word and They said “turquoise”. In English, this word means Turkish stone, derived from the French word Pierre Turquise, and it is derived from the historical fact that in the past, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries used to export this stone to Europe through Turkey, and everyone’s imagination It was that this stone is mined in Turkey.
In different cultures, turquoise is known as a precious stone and a symbol of good luck as well as a charm of happiness. In ancient Iran, great and powerful kings used turquoise stone to decorate their clothing and believed that the stone turquoise protects them from death. This case has also been seen among the kings of other countries as well as in handicrafts discovered in tombs more than 3000 years before Christ in Egypt, turquoise stone was used as a symbol of holiness.

types of turquoise stones

Turquoise can be seen in sky blue to green colors. Among the types of turquoise stones in Iran, we can mention Ajami (smooth) and Shajar (veined) turquoise. Ajami turquoise is without streaks and uniform and is considered the best type of this stone in Iran and is sold in the form of grains. Its price is up to millions of Tomans depending on the size, color and weight. The best color of this beautiful gem is sky blue, which is very popular and can be seen in the exotic type. The type of tree is also seen with blue and green stripes.

Turquoise in the traditions of the innocents

In the hadiths of Masoomin, there are many references to Firuzeh, which are given below:
1- Hazrat Muhammad:

Indeed, God addressed me: O Prophet! Indeed, I am ashamed that a servant has a turquoise ring in his hand and raises his hand in supplication, and I do not answer his supplication and return empty-handed.

2- Imam Jafar Sadiq:

Imam Sadiq addressed Mufadl and said: I would like every believer to wear 5 rings: agate, turquoise, Yaqut, Hadid Sini and in Najaf.
They also say:
Looking at turquoise refreshes the soul and strengthens the eyes.
Holding it increases sa’ah sadr (opening of the chest) and tolerance to problems.
It strengthens the heart and gives it strength.
It fulfills the needs and makes things easier.
And also: Whoever wears a turquoise ring in his hand will not become poor and will not be without money.

3- Imam Reza (AS):

A person complains to Imam Reza about not having children. Hazrat says: Take a ring made of turquoise and write on it “Rab La Tazerni Farda, Vant Khair Al Warithin”
Likewise, Imam Reza said in a hadith on Ghadir Day: The first mountains that testified to the authority of the Amir of the Faithful were the three mountains of Aqeeq, Turquoise, and Ruby. The first mountains that acknowledged Hazrat Ali were the Turquoise, Agate and Yaqut mountains.

4- It is also stated in some hadiths that:

Imam Ali had four rings on his hand, one of them turquois ring and His Holiness have obtained to win against problems.

The effects of turquoise stone on the soul and body

They mention properties for turquoise stone, which are the most important Turquoise stone properties are given:
1- Turquoise is a relaxing and very useful stone to stay away from sore eyes.
2- It strengthens the forehead and keeps negative energies away from us.
3- This stone, like agate, is considered a very effective amulet against evil.
4- One of its other features is business prosperity and ease of work.
5- Turquoise is useful in treating depression and fatigue.
6- The use of turquoise increases love and affection and strengthens science and art in a person.
7- The use of healing properties of this stone has a long history in medicine, in the past, the powder of this stone was given to patients with stomach pain. They were giving to be treated.
8- It is also useful for eye diseases such as cataracts, fever and insect bites.
9- Other useful features include the treatment of nervous diseases, strengthening the vocal cords, strengthening the heart and treating lung and respiratory diseases. cited. Turquoise also strengthens the immune system. It is also mentioned in some sources that turquoise stone is protective and useful for pregnant women.

The best turquoise mines in the world

Turquoise has been known since ancient times in different continents and countries. So that among Tibetan people, ancient Iranians, Native Americans, etc., it has been used as a symbol of luck, protection from disasters, and also to value handicrafts. The best turquoise mine in Iran is located in the northwest of Neishabur city. The quality of the stones extracted from these mines is so high that samples of it are kept in the prestigious geological museums of the country (Tehran and Mashhad) as well as the London Museum.

How to store turquoise stone and ring

Turquoise must be maintained very carefully. Turquoise has the ability to absorb liquids and oil, so when using it, you should be careful not to touch original turquoise stone cared for with oils . If it comes into contact with fat, soap and chemicals, it will change its color and will probably force you to redo it again.

general properties of silver ring

This gem is often called turquois necklace, turquois bracelet or even turquois half set silver for recovery And it has a special effect on bone formation, skin shaping and repair. This metal is much more effective than other disinfectants and kills 650 microbes without leaving any side effects like other disinfectants. It has been mentioned that you should not wear anything but a silver ring, because the Messenger of God said: “We purify the hand of God, fiha Khatam Hadid” which means “Do not wear anything except a silver ring, because the Messenger of God said that God does not purify the hand that It is a ring made of iron.” Therefore, when you wear silver jewelry, it helps to accumulate more energy. It also seems that silver helps to avoid boring desires, and as a result, the use of silver is possible. Silver helps you focus your thoughts. As you may have read before, silver is absorbed through the skin and has a pain-relieving effect, which is why silver bracelets are so popular. .

guarantee of the originality of the products

Sharaf Online is proud to announce that all its products are made of original mineral stones and 925 sterling silver, and all mineral properties and They have their own treatment. It is also possible to issue an official and valid birth certificate for all products.

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