Specifications and benefits of this product
The seven chakra stones represent the seven energy centers in the body, and are believed to promote healing, balance and harmony.
The Root Chakra (Red Jasper): helps with grounding, stability, and security.
The Sacral Chakra (Carnelian): enhances creativity, passion, and intimacy.
The Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Jasper): promotes self-confidence, personal power, and abundance.
The Heart Chakra (Rose Quartz): encourages love, compassion, and emotional healing.
The Throat Chakra (Sodalite): improves communication, self-expression, and truthfulness.
The Third Eye Chakra (Amethyst): supports intuition, spiritual awareness, and mental clarity.
The Crown Chakra (Clear Quartz): enhances spiritual connection, enlightenment, and cosmic consciousness.
Each stone has unique properties and is often used in meditation, energy healing, or as a decorative piece.
The product sent may be slightly different in the arrangement of the beads.
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