Article About Food

26 uses of salts that will surprise you

26 uses of salts that will surprise you
  • 26 “The uses of salts ” that surprises you

    To what extent do you know about “uses of salts” in housekeeping and other issues? you certainly didn’t know that with salt you could electrocute the dishes and kitchen and treat facial pimples.

    26 Amazing uses of salts

    Salt is one of the most important and inevitable elements in our lives. So that even if you want your favorite food but don’t have salt, you’ll skip eating it. Salt is an inexpensive and essential spice for the foods you eat, and we use it in everyday life to taste our foods. Do you believe that salt can be considered a viable alternative to many of the chemical products that are used every day? Have you ever wondered if salt can be used as a cleaning material? If you do not agree to read the following to learn about 26 amazing and interesting uses of salt.

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    As you know, salt plays a leading role in our daily lives. Continuing by saying astonishing uses, salt will definitely atony you. You may have no idea about the amazing uses of salts.

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    Salt Application In Housekeeping And beauty.

    Uses of salts In Housekeeping And beauty:

    Removing the smell Onion And garlic:

    Usually, after cutting the onion or garlic, the smell of onions or garlic does not easily remove from your hands. Now we introduce a quick way to remove this smell from your hands! You must first wet your hands, then rub your hands together with salt to remove the harsh smell of onions and garlic easily from your hands..

    Treatment of facial pimples:

    You can treat your facial pimples using salt, so that you wash your face first, then pour some salt on the parts where the boil grows. Then rinse with water. also salt for Wound Treatment Uses inside the mouth.

    Removing the smell of shoes:

    The smell of your shoes often embarrass you and you don’t know any way to eliminate it. Don’t worry, you can just put a bag of salt-filled cloth in your shoes. Within two hours, be sure you’ll be surprised.!

    Removing the smell of shoes:

    Removing the smell of shoes:

    Make home color:

    Just mix a cup of flour with a cup of salt and water. Then add a few drops of color to this mixture. Your home color is ready to use.

    Keep fruit slices fresh:

    One of the best uses of salt is keeping the fruit slices fresh and refreshing, so that you can pour some salt onto the cut fruits and keep them without any discoloration in your cut fruits..

    Keeping room fresh:

    Using a half cup of salt and adding a few rose petals in the room is essential and helps to make the room look good. To make it look more natural, directly mix the salt mixture onto one Orange Put half peeled.

    Electrifying the sink:

    Don’t charge for expensive detergents. If you want your kitchen sink to shine, mix together lemon juice and salt, and then rinse your kitchen sink with this mixture. it’s one of the important uses of salt that will surprise you with its result.

    Electrifying the sink

    Electrifying the sink

    Use salt as a fire extinguisher:

    Yes, salt can be used as a fire extinguisher, such as cooking fatty foods. Use a small amount of salt to extinguish the fire of high-fat foods.

    Clear iron box:

    Wait a little before replacing the new iron boxes with the old one. All you have to do is slow down the salt on a paper Coffee Sprinkle with a wooden surface and then clean the iron box with it.

    For shiny copper containers:

    If you like too Copper containers You shine like the first day, they are mixed with salt and flour and Vinegar Clean up. undoubtedly this is one of the best use of salt.

    For shiny copper containers

    For shiny copper containers

    Mosquito bite relief:

    If your hand is bitten by a mosquito and you are trying to relieve the bite parts faster, it is recommended to pour a pinch of salt on that part then with Massage Salt on the skin, mosquito bites relieved faster.

    Salt returns the natural color of old clothes:

    We’re doing everything we can to make old clothes look new or at least wash and clean it, but it hasn’t had much effect, try salt! Just soak your clothes in saline water solution or add a quarter cup of salt to the wash cycle you will surely be surprised by the results you get.

    Renovation and cleaning of artificial flowers:

    This one is fairly simple and amazing no one likes the dust on artificial flowers, but removing dust is almost impossible to get rid of (at least forever). In This section Ersaly You read that an easy way to keep artificial flowers is to put a pinch of salt in the bag (preferably paper), add the artificial plant to it and shake it, the salt will remove any trace of dirt and dirt and it will look interesting again.

    Erasing lipstick:

    Durable and strong lipsticks are resistant to water washing and may be hard to remove from the lips and cause pain, so you can use salt to cleanse your lips.

    Erasing lipstick:

    Erasing lipstick:

    Cheap and effective exfoliation:

    Salt can also be a good alternative to dry skin care; it destroys dead skin, increases your circulation and is a good and inexpensive way to improve your skin’s health!

    It’s very effective if you use it after a hot bath. Remember: Apply salt while your skin is still slightly moisturized, massage the skin in a circular way for better results and use sea salt!

    Salt replaces toothpaste:

    Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t have toothpaste? Use salt! Another simple method is to actually add salt to your routine, it’s good to clean the stains, whiten your teeth and even disinfect them because of the antibacterial properties of salt, don’t expect your teeth to turn white one night, it takes a bit of time and stability to remove the stains, but it’s worth waiting for..

    Dip your toothbrush gently in salt and brush your teeth. Alternatively, add a pinch of salt on your toothpaste to clean the teeth!

    Try to see if Eggs It’s still good or not.:

    Yes, eggs are something we like to keep outside the fridge that doesn’t mean we don’t know they’re going to break down, just subconsciously thinking they’re lasting longer than anything else..

    Add a pinch of salt to a cup of water or any other dish so it’s big enough to hold the egg in if the egg sinks in, it’s good not to eat the egg if it floats on the water!

    Dandruff Treatment:

    what if Dandruff Untreated, can be clicked on Self-confidence You’ve probably tried thousands of treatments and treatments for it and have never had satisfactory returns, have you tried salt?

    Before shampooing your hair, pour a pinch of salt on your scalp, massage it carefully and for at least 5 minutes, then shampoo this to treat dandruff as well as to Hair Growth Tall and strong helps.

    Prevent ice formation:

    Ice can be a problem during winter, especially when kids have to go to school or when they go to work, the windshield is covered the size of an iceberg!

    Salt is used to deal with ice because its temperature melts ice and acts as an effective and inexpensive method before going to bed, remove a small cloth to fill it with salt, and rub on the windshield.

    Treatment Sore throat With salt.:

    Salt and water solution can be useful for sore throats; Brine Reduces phlegm and swelling and removes bacteria and other stimuli, which can be the cause of sore throats. In Ersaly we explained that for this purpose, just add a pinch of salt to a glass of water and reel it for between 30 seconds and a minute, you’ll be amazed at how strangely effective it is..

    Removing water stains from the sofa:

    There is another problem: it’s the spots on the sofa, especially if you have a lot of parties. There is an easy way to get rid of them is to pour a pinch of salt straight on it and gently clean with a sponge, preferably with a wet sponge you may be able to get rid of these useless stains!

    Increase the life of your toothbrush with salt:

    Very surprising and a simple and inexpensive trick and can also help you save money. It’s very simple, just soak the toothbrush for a while before using in brine, it helps to keep the toothbrush lasting, you can also pour salt on the brush and then pour water over it.

    Increase the life of your toothbrush with salt

    Increase the life of your toothbrush with salt

    Make your lips attractive and softer with salt:

    Not only is salt good for cleaning your skin, but it’s also good for your lips; whenever you feel your lips are dry, rough and hard and not pretty at all, just add salt!

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    A quick and easy way to do this is to add a pinch of salt to a toothbrush and carefully brush your lips with it (it’s proven that circular movements are best) after doing so; your lips don’t look great at any time.

    Improve oral health by combining water:

    As we discussed earlier, salt has great antibacterial properties and can be a great and inexpensive way to maintain and improve your oral health without buying expensive products.

    Like the pulley of the throat, you can dissolve the saline water solution for 30 to 60 seconds, which is a good way to relieve any injuries or wounds on the throat, especially effective for the mouth.

    Gloss off the fish tang using salt:

    Just rub the inside of the fish tang with salt and then rinse it with water, but it is essential to rinse the tang thoroughly in the end and put the fish in the tang.

    Cleaning pipes with salt:

    If you have a blocked pipe in your home but don’t have a pipe opener, just try salt! Just pour 1/2 cup of salt into the dirty tube which is naturally, rough and abrasive.

    Source: Namnak / Bitly / Cuttly

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